6 Reasons to Stop Wasting Time On Conventional Treatments (That Don't Work) and Try the Premiere "Back To Health" Solution
You're being told lies about chronic pain and there are even some who don't want you to get better. Healthcare and pharmaceutical companies are making a fortune off the "chronic pain problem" and they're selling treatments that are temporary or dangerous. Don't believe it.

Hey, it’s James here and today I’m going to reveal a very valuable secret to you.
First you must know that over 100million Americans suffer from chronic pain. That’s almost 1/3 of our population.
Josephine Briggs, MD director of of National Institute of Health says, “The number of people who suffer from severe and chronic pain is striking.”
As a result, more and more so called “solutions” have popped up over the years. It’s become a big business.
Everyone from massage therapists to personal trainers to chiropractors claim they have a solution.
Pharmaceutical companies try to get you addicted to their products. Well-meaning doctors don’t know what to do so they prescribe a pill. It’s getting confusing.
All the while people keep getting worse and more frustrated as nothing seems to be working.
From the outside, it looks like we are trying. But the fact of the matter is many are making money while you continue to suffer.
Over $600 billion dollars is what chronic pain costs this country EVERY single year.
Chronic pain often leads to anxiety, depression and other health problems. Studies show it can take 10 years off your expected life span.
(Did you know painkillers/opioids actually make chronic pain WORSE?)
For pharmaceutical companies and some practitioners, this means more business and money for them.
But for you, it means more and more attempts, failure and discouragement.
So if you’re not getting better, it’s not your fault.
Over the past 20 years, thousands of people suffering with chronic pain have discovered a new life and vitality. And it’s all because of a new treatment system that is unknown to most people…including healthcare professionals.
So, what you are about to hear is controversial and flies in the face of what people have been told for decades.
See, right now you’re probably hearing from a lot of healthcare practitioners who are telling you that if you want to relieve your pain, you need a bunch of stuff like heat/ice, massage, ultrasound, gels, creams, generic exercises, or even worse dangerous stuff like injections, medications, manipulations, and even surgery.
And you know what? None of that is true.
They’ve been saying that for years and decades, and you know what…the chronic pain problem isn’t getting any better in this country. It’s actually getting worse, and climbing.
Society is being tricked with “band-aid” treatments that might bring temporary relief but is not a real cure. These options fall short and fail most of the time.
Imagine this… How much easier would your life be if you could skip all that stuff and just follow one simple system? And what if that one thing was all you needed to feel better every single day?
Well, in just a minute, I’m going to show you the exact system that’s been renewing the life of so many people with chronic pain across the country. But before I get into that...
... here are 6 reasons why I urge you to make a change in your life today.
#1) Chronic Back Pain Doesn't Only Hurt You. It Hurts Those You Love
Every day you allow chronic pain in your life is another day you don't truly live.
Here's what research studies say about chronic pain...

#2) Chronic pain causes depression
Studies show that pain can affect sleep, self-esteem issues and depression.

#3) Chronic pain causes anxiety
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#5) Here goes the Benefit Title
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#6) Here goes the Benefit Title
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So here’s why this is a tragedy, because this is like the worst thing that I’ve ever heard. If you’re a person in pain, I believe that you have dreams:
- Dreams of getting up with a smile because you no longer feel pain, stiffness, tingling or soreness.
- Dreams of going to the gym
- Dreams of enjoying time with your kids, your family
- Dreams of working, making money and maybe even starting your own business
But you can’t…because the pain is all consuming. It holds you down like a heavy suffocating load.
It’s not just you affected. It’s also your family, friends, and loved ones. They don’t get to see the real you. They can’t enjoy the person you could be, are meant to be. You can’t be there, be present for them.
That’s a tragedy.
People need you but you can’t be there for them.
For so many people living with chronic pain, relationships are falling apart. Dreams are dying.
If you could only get rid of the pain, it would mean a whole new life for you and those around you.
So it’s not just about you anymore. It’s not just about whether you can get through the day. It’s also about your future. And if you have kids, it’s about their future.
So how many people are going unserved because you’re in pain?
To me that’s the real tragedy.
Yes, they might have other people in their lives from whom they can get affection, joy, friendship and nurturing but the real tragedy is, the real problem is, that many people need and want it from you…but can’t get it.
“Even if you've 'tried it all', this is totally different.”

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